Linguistics Teaching Assistant Evaluation Spring 2024, Tatsuya Aoyama
4 responses
What course are you taking this survey for?4 responses
LING 5402 Empirical Methodsin NLP100%
LING 5402 Empirical Methods in NLP4
No responses yet for this question.
LING 5402 Empirical Methods in NLP
Select your TA4 responses
Tatsuya Aoyama100%
Tatsuya Aoyama4
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Optional: For over/under courses: are you an undergraduate student or graduate student?
1. How available and willing is the TA in advising and assisting students outside of class?4 responses
Extremely available, above andbeyondVery availableAvailable when required/requestedNot very available100%
Extremely available, above and beyond4
Very available0
Available when required/requested0
Not very available0
No responses yet for this question.
2. How helpful was the TA in answering questions?4 responses
Extremely helpful, above andbeyondVery helpfulHelpful when required/requestedNot very helpful100%
Extremely helpful, above and beyond4
Very helpful0
Helpful when required/requested0
Not very helpful0
No responses yet for this question.
3. How knowledgeable was the TA in the material for the class?4 responses
Extremely knowledgeableVery knowledgeableModerately knowledgeable, notas comfortable with materialNot very knowledgeable100%
Extremely knowledgeable4
Very knowledgeable0
Moderately knowledgeable, not as comfortable with material0
Not very knowledgeable0
No responses yet for this question.
4. How useful were the TA recitation/discussion sections?4 responses
Extremely usefulVery usefulModerately usefulNot very useful100%
Extremely useful4
Very useful0
Moderately useful0
Not very useful0
No responses yet for this question.
5. How competent in the subject matter was the TA guest lecture?4 responses
Extremely competentVery competentModerately competentNot very competent100%
Extremely competent4
Very competent0
Moderately competent0
Not very competent0
No responses yet for this question.
6. How able were the TA communication skills in the guest lecture?4 responses
Extremely ableVery ableModerately ableNot very able100%
Extremely able4
Very able0
Moderately able0
Not very able0
No responses yet for this question.
7. How fair was the TA in grading the homework, exams?4 responses
Extremely fairVery fairModerately fairNot very fair100%
Extremely fair4
Very fair0
Moderately fair0
Not very fair0
No responses yet for this question.
8. How helpful were the comments by the TA on papers and homework assignments?4 responses
Extremely helpfulVery helpfulModerately helpfulNot very helpful100%
Extremely helpful4
Very helpful0
Moderately helpful0
Not very helpful0
No responses yet for this question.
9. How valuable was the TA’s addition to the class?4 responses
Extremely valuableVery valuableModerately valuableNot very valuable100%
Extremely valuable4
Very valuable0
Moderately valuable0
Not very valuable0
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11. What is your overall evaluation of the TA?4 responses
Extremely positiveVery positivePositiveNeutralNegative100%
Extremely positive4
Very positive0
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Short Response Questions
Please comment on what your TA did best as an instructor.3 responses
Made himself available, was friendly to work with, answered questions well, did his best to help when he wasn't certain.
The TA was actively holding office hours and helped us in assignments and concepts in general and was also ready to hold extra hours if required. The TA was quick in responding to any questions we had and went above and beyond to help and ensure that I understood the requirements and everything else in association with the course.
Very kind and approachable during OH. Answered questions very thoroughly. Stayed after time to answer questions.
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Please comment on the areas in which you think the TA could improve their teaching.0 responses
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Specify suggestions that would help your TA improve their teaching skills. 0 responses
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